Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Spaceport WIP

It seems that there is nothing like a "workspace update" to signal the grinding halt of any progress on the featured project. But just to show I've at least managed something (even if not painting), I've been working on my 15mm Space Port.

The paper terrain Graffam elements are all done. I've used:

  • The Outpost (v1)
  • The Observation Post (v1)
  • Checkpoint
  • Spaceport Crates
  • Spaceport Battlemap #1
The Battlemap is printed on banner vinyl by Pixart Printing. It is printed full size as provided which is technicalled for 28\30mm but as you can see works perfectly for 15mm

The other kits are reduced by around 60%. I say "around" as I don't actually scale them down. I use the Adobe Reader print option to "print multiple pages on a sigle side" and print 2 per page. Having measured this up of other (fantasy) kits it comes in at around 60%, which is ideal for based 15mm. 

The small card pieces are obviously quite light by themselves they require some sort of weighing down. Being Scottish I obviously have a spare (out of date) bag of Scotch Broth mix at the cupboard which is perfect for the job. Just partially fill the piece before is is sealed shut, this will not only add weight but lower it's centre of gravity for extra stability.

Now for the difficult part, getting the toy craft painted - queue delay for next update....

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Workspace Update

My Spugs are going to need someone to battle with, so I've made a start on a force of Critical Mass ARC Fleet Recon.

I wasn't completely sure how to be painting these guys. My natural choice was a brown/green scheme, but with the Spugs being green I decided I wanted a scheme that was completely different. So I've done a single test figure.

After a little bit of "evolution" I've the pallet I'll be going for...