Monday 9 January 2017

A Slow Start

Well, we are into 2017 now, so the 15mm push is officially on. The Festive Season disruption is slightly extended in my household as there is a family birthday early January, so "serious" hobbying is slow until mid January usually.

But just to assure you I am on the case, here is a quick piccy of my first 2 figures for my Ral Partha\Demonworld Town Guard. I only did two to get my eye in after not having painted since November - especially for this scale again. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have started with 2 main warband characters, but it doesn't matter now.

I'll get them based and properly snapped in a group shot when the rest are done.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sean. They'll look a bit better with a few similarly clad comrades as well!

  2. They are great Sam. Orange and red my favorite colour combo (you've got my dwarf black powder chaps who'd stand well next to these guys).
