Thursday, 31 August 2017

Rogue Stars Spaceport Action

A few pictures from my first game of Rogue stars in 15mm. It was a diverse group of mercenaries
against a small squad of Spug Pirates. the Mercenaries were hired to target one of the Spugs.

With the Spugs fitted with Quantum Harness' I had hoped to pull the Merc's out of position and catch them on the hop. But in reality I had a lot of trouble finding a suitable destination to target, especially when you take the margin of error in target zone into consideration. My heavy weapon Spug tried to catch the enemy off guard zapping onto an elevated point, but the deviation (which the opposing player controls the direction of) had him fall off the edge, where he was shot dead.

In the end the Spugs were whittled down, the large crate stack, whilst good to hide behind, was easy to cover and difficult to defend (at least for me). The game's action did finish with an entertaining hand-to-hand battle against the two leaders, both ambidextrous and landing a flurry of blows against each other.

One "problem" we had was the distances on the game. halving the distances in Rogue Stars for 15mm seemed to extreme , but we weren't sure of a good alternative at the time. If anyone has any ideas/experiences to share it would be very useful.


  1. The main conversion I use is 1 inch in 28mm games equal 1 cm in 15mm but I am unsure of the game ranges etc. Can we have an example of movement / range?

    1. Sorry for the slow reply, ADB, had to go and check the details. Movement is 4"\6"\8" for walk\run\sprint (only sprinting prevents you from shooting) and minus modifiers every 4" for shots over 8" in range. I've used the "swap inches for cm" before, but it just leaves the movement a bit slow here we felt.

  2. No problem - I would be tempted to go with 2/4/6 inch move and keep the ranges the same. I find firing ranges too short for my liking and have played the odd game where rifles had no range limit (i.e. all the table was in range)!

    1. Cheers ADB, I'll probably give that a go next game. I know the relatively short rifle ranges is something that MacSver didn't like about the rules.

  3. Good report and the terrain is top notch.
    Thanks a lot for the tips about range, I'll sure try these out when I play my first game.
